Occupational Safety Engineering And Ergonomics Program Area

Occupational Safety Engineering And Ergonomics Program Area

A worker stacks large boxes in a warehouse.

Learn how you can develop and manage safe and healthy environments for workers by engineering solutions to minimize injuries and hazards. There is high demand for skilled professionals and well trained researchers with experience in Occupational Safety Engineering and Ergonomics, and efforts to improve workplace well being have an impact. Improved working environments, safer machinery, better worker training, and dramatic changes in the nature of work itself, have resulted in the decline of both fatal and non-fatal workplace injuries. Yet occupational injury remains a major national concern and economic burden. Through the OSE program, you can contribute to the design, analysis, implementation, and improvement of facilities, equipment, tools, and processes to assure the safety and well-being of human resources in all work environments and the surrounding communities.

Key Topics: Biomechanics, Cognitive Ergonomics, Human-Robot Interaction, Occupational Safety, Physical Ergonomics, and Robotics.

Area Lead: Leia Stirling

Master’s Degree Requirements

Master’s Audit Sheet

Curriculum Practical Training Policy