Joi Mondisa smiles and poses for a portrait.

Joi Mondisa

Associate Professor


2785 IOE


Personal Pronouns


Professor Joi Mondisa joined the faculty in the Fall of 2016. She earned a B.S. in General Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, an M.B.A from Governors State University, and an M.S. in Industrial Engineering and a Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Purdue University. In her research, she focuses on examining mentoring approaches, relationships, and intervention programs and designing and assessing learning experiences and outcomes. Previously, Mondisa worked in industry for ten years in the areas of manufacturing, operations, technical sales, and publishing.


  • Ph.D, Purdue University (2015), Engineering Education
  • M.S., Purdue University (2014), Industrial Engineering
  • M.B.A., Governors State University (2010), Business Administration
  • B.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2001), General Engineering

Research Interests

  • Engineering Education
  • Mentoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
  • Design and Assessment of Learning Contexts
  • Diversity in Higher Education
  • Lean Operations and Processes
  • Engineering Management

Research areas:

Professional Service

  • Informal Faculty Advisor, University of Michigan Black Industrial Engineers (BINDx) Scholars Group
  • Council Member, Dean’s Advisory Council of Faculty of Color


  • 2022 Journal of Engineering Education (JEE) Star Reviewer Award
  • 2022 UM Sister Mary Ambrosia Fitzgerald Mentoring Award
  • 2022 The Institute for Industrial and Systems Engineering (IISE) UPS Minority Advancement Award
  • 2020 UM MLK Spirit Faculty Award
  • 2019 UM Creativity, Daring, and Innovation Award
  • 2018 UM Dr. Willie Hobbs Moore Aspire, Advance, Achieve Mentoring Award


  • Diggs, A. B. & Mondisa, J.-L. (2022).  STEM Future Faculty Development Programs for Minoritized Populations: Understanding Characteristics and Opportunities. The Journal of Faculty Development, 36(1), 15-22.
  • Mondisa, J.-L. & Adams, R.S. (2022). A Learning Partnerships Perspective of How Mentors Help Protégés Develop Self-Authorship. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 15(3), 337-353.
  • Tuladhar, A., Queener, C., Mondisa, J.-L. & Okwudire, C. (2021). Informal community spaces, mentoring and representation: unpacking factors that influence African American engineering undergraduates. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 10(3), 317-338.
  • Mondisa, J.-L., Packard, B.W.-L., & Montgomery, B. L. (2021). Understanding what STEM mentoring ecosystems need to thrive: A STEM-ME framework. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 29(1), 110-135,
  • Washington, V. & Mondisa, J.-L. (2021). The Social Community Experiences of Engineering Undergraduates in a Mentoring Program. Journal of Engineering Education, 110(4), 1-23.
  • Moreno-Hernandez, A. & Mondisa, J.-L., (2021). Examining the Resilience and Persistence of First-Year Engineering Undergraduates. International Journal of Engineering Education, 37(3), 701-711.
  • Mondisa, J.-L. (2020).   The Role of Social Capital in African-American STEM Mentoring Relationships. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science & Engineering, 26(2), 125-153.