Category: Research
Preventing prescription dispensing errors using machine intelligence
In the United States over four billion prescriptions are dispensed every year. Of those four billion around 2.4 million are incorrectly dispensed, which can be a fatal error. A team of researchers from the University of Michigan looks to machine intelligence to help humans reduce their dispensing errors.
The silent mental health crisis of engineering graduate students
Research on graduate-level engineering student mental health is vastly under-studied. University of Michigan researchers take a closer look at what has been researched and what still needs to be addressed.
U-M student group CLAWS develops tools to help astronauts navigate space
The University of Michigan Collaborative Lab for Advancing Work in Space participated in the NASA SUITS Challenge at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. They developed an augmented reality system to help astronauts navigate the moon.
Raed Al Kontar receives the National Science Foundation Career Award
This award is given by the National Science Foundation through their Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program. As one of the most prestigious awards, it supports early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to advance the mission of their department.
Jon Lee has been awarded a grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research
University of Michigan Industrial and Operations Engineering (U-M IOE) G. Lawton and Louise G. Johnson Professor of Engineering, Jon Lee has been awarded a grant from AFOSR in the amount of $582,002 for his work on optimization for sensor networks.
Dr. Salar Fattahi receives a research grant from the Office of Naval Research
University of Michigan Industrial and Operations Engineering (U-M IOE) Assistant Professor, Dr. Salar Fattahi has been awarded $430,556 from the Office of Naval Research (ONR) for scientific research regarding low-rank matrix factorization.
Do Third-Party Delivery Services Benefit Restaurants?
U-M IOE researchers discovered that a restaurant can benefit from partnering with third-party delivery services if at least one of five conditions applies to them.
Keeping the world connected, without sacrificing privacy
Engineering assistant professor Raed Al Kontar outlines a new paradigm for connected devices.
Center for Ergonomics receives $1.1 million grant to study information automation vulnerabilities on modern flight decks
The Federal Aviation Administration has awarded Nadine Sarter and her Human-Automation Interaction and Cognition (THInC) Lab in the UM Center for Ergonomics a three-year, grant to study information management on the flight deck of highly automated aircraft.
How big data could optimize COVID-19 testing
Microsoft-supported project to coordinate site locations, supply distribution.
Hunger and COVID: Fighting pandemic-related food insecurity in Detroit
Public policy and engineering team up to improve food access.
Turning faces into thermostats
An autonomous HVAC system could provide more comfort with less energy.
How much coronavirus testing is enough? States could learn from retailers as they ramp up
To control the coronavirus spread, the U.S. needs to get the most value out of the limited testing capacity it has.
Making wind power more predictable: A Q&A with Eunshin Byon
Predictive modeling could help power companies get more consistent output from renewables.
Tackling COVID-19 problems with industrial engineering
Lessons learned from optimizing retail could help optimize our COVID-19 response.
Logistics during COVID-19: Researcher creates an operations model cheat sheet
A University of Michigan engineering researcher has pulled together a cheat sheet.