Author: Jessalyn Tamez
Student spotlight: Wilson MacRitchie
University of Michigan Industrial and Operations Engineering (U-M IOE) undergraduate student, Wilson MacRitchie comes from a long line of U-M engineers. Now it’s 2022 and MacRitchie is set to graduate with a degree from U-M IOE.
2022 INFORMS Optimization Society Conference in Review
The University of Michigan Industrial and Operations Engineering (U-M IOE) department had a strong presence at this year’s conference, with over 10 presentations from U-M IOE faculty and students.
Joi Mondisa has been awarded the Sister Mary Ambrosia Fitzgerald Mentoring Award.
U-M WISE honors outstanding advocates for diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM with four annual awards celebrating the accomplishments of Willie Hobbs Moore, one of which is the Sister Mary Ambrosia Fitzgerald Mentoring Award. This award is awarded to individuals who have served as an exemplar of formal or informal mentorship of STEM students.
Brian Denton is named Chair-elect for the Council of Industrial Engineering Academic Department Heads
Denton will serve as Chair-elect from 2022-23 and then move to the Chair position from 2023-24.
University of Michigan Industrial and Operations Engineering awarded a grant in partnership with the U-M Medical School and the University of Southern California
Salar Fattahi, U-M IOE assistant professor, is the Principal Investigator of a team that has received a multi-institute research award from the National Science Foundation in the amount of $399,998.
Joi Mondisa receives the Institute for Industrial and Systems Engineering UPS Minority Advancement Award
This award recognizes organizations or individuals that, through innovative means, have developed programs or projects directed to the advancement of women, minorities or individuals with disabilities in the field of industrial engineering.
Jon Lee has been awarded a grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research
University of Michigan Industrial and Operations Engineering (U-M IOE) G. Lawton and Louise G. Johnson Professor of Engineering, Jon Lee has been awarded a grant from AFOSR in the amount of $582,002 for his work on optimization for sensor networks.
Xiuli Chao appointed Ralph Disney Collegiate Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering
Chao has been a professor at U-M IOE since 2007. A Collegiate Research Professorship is awarded to a professor who demonstrates exceptional scholarly achievement and makes an impact on advancing knowledge in their academic field of study.
U-M IOE Chair, Brian Denton is elected a fellow of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers
Brian Denton, University of Michigan Industrial and Operations Engineering (U-M IOE) Stephen M. Pollock collegiate professor and department chair, has been elected a fellow of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE).
Three U-M Industrial and Operations Engineering Ph.D. students are chosen for the Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship Program.
U-M IOE Ph.D. students, Seokhyun Chung, Yaohui Guo and Tessa Swanson have been chosen for the University of Michigan Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship Program.
The U-M Industrial and Operations Engineering Department establishes a DEI Committee.
The DEI Committee is led by U-M IOE Associate Professor, Leia Stirling, and its members include students, staff and faculty.
Sadie Cox receives Distinguished Achievement Undergraduate and Distinguished Leadership Awards.
University of Michigan Industrial and Operations Engineering (U-M IOE) undergraduate student, Sadie Cox, has received the Distinguished Achievement Undergraduate Award and the Distinguished Leadership Award from the U-M College of Engineering (CoE).
Student spotlight: Caroline Hirth
During Hirth’s time at U-M Industrial and Operations Engineering (IOE) she has contributed to finding solutions for real-world problems and systems within both Michigan Medicine and in Wayne County.
Alum Spotlight: Jeremy Atuobi
University of Michigan Industrial Operations Engineering (U-M IOE) alumnus, Jeremy Atuobi, became a first-generation college graduate in May of 2021. He is now a Fellow at McKinsey & Company in Chicago, Ill. Like many, his journey to U-M IOE was not the path he expected.
Dr. Salar Fattahi receives a research grant from the Office of Naval Research
University of Michigan Industrial and Operations Engineering (U-M IOE) Assistant Professor, Dr. Salar Fattahi has been awarded $430,556 from the Office of Naval Research (ONR) for scientific research regarding low-rank matrix factorization.
Mohammad Zhalechian receives the Richard F. and Eleanor A. Towner Prize for Distinguished Academic Achievement
This award is presented to an outstanding graduate student in each of the U-M College of Engineering degree programs.