Learn the essential methods used to translate raw data into informed decisions for a wide range of industry applications. Develop the skills and knowledge to collect, manage, and analyze data to create mathematical and statistical models for inference, prediction, machine learning, and data-driven decision-making to improve the performance of complex systems.
Key Topics:
- Data-driven Optimization and Decision Making
- Design of Experiments
- Machine Learning
- Predictive Modeling
- Risk Analysis
- Simulation
- Uncertainty Quantification
Area Lead: Eunshin Byon
Foundation Courses
IOE 473 Advanced Data Analytics
Advisory prerequisites: IOE 310, IOE 366, or IOE 373. (3 credits)
This course focuses on fundamental computational methods in data analytics with case studies from real-world applications. The goal is to expose students to a variety of data analytics methods and then demonstrate the applicability of these methods through a diverse set of real-world problems.
STATS 570 (IOE 570) Design of Experiments
Advisory prerequisites: Stats 500 or background in regression. (3 credits)
Basic design principles, review of analysis of variance, block designs, two-level and three-level factorial and fractional factorial experiments, designs with complex aliasing, data analysis techniques and case studies, basic response surface methodology, variation reduction, and introductory robust parameter designs.
IOE 591 Statistical Learning for Data Science
Advisory prerequisites: Math 214 or IOE 366. (3 credits)
This course is an introductory graduate course on data analytics. The course introduces fundamental theories and methods for regression analysis and applications. Topics include multiple regression models, generalized linear models, and nonparametric regression models. Concepts of estimation, inference, diagnostics, transformation, regularization, variable selection, and cross-validation are studied. Students have opportunities to formulate statistical models developed from case studies and to use various computer programs.
Suggested courses to further explore the data analytics and applied statistics program area
Statistical and machine learning
- IOE 466 Statistical Quality Control
- IOE 551 Benchmarking, Productivity Analysis, and Performance
- IOE 561 Risk Analysis I
- IOE 565 Time Series Analysis
- IOE 568 Statistical Learning and Applications in Quality Engineering
- IOE 691 Modern Bayesian Data Science
- STATS 503 Statistical Learning II: Multivariate Analysis
- STATS 600 Linear Models
- EECS 545 Machine Learning (CSE) or EECS 553 Machine Learning (ECE)
- EECS 505 Computational Data Science and Machine Learning
- IOE 510 Linear Programming I
- IOE 511 Continuous Optimization Methods
- IOE 512 Dynamic Programming
Stochastic systems
- IOE 515 Stochastic Processes I
- IOE 516 Stochastic Processes II
- IOE 545 Stochastic Networks and Operations
- IOE 574 Simulation
Applications-oriented classes
- IOE 517 Game Theory and Operations Applications
- IOE 525 Lean Principles and Scientific Thinking in Organizations
- IOE 543 Scheduling
- IOE 552 Financial Engineering I
- IOE 553 Financial Engineering II