Category: Awards
Sarah Jane Bork and Joi Mondisa win American Society for Engineering Education student paper award
U-M IOE researcher, Sarah Jane Bork, and assistant professor, Joi Mondisa, have won the 2019 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Graduate Studies Division Best Student Paper Award.
Tom Logan wins American Association of Geographers student paper award
U-M IOE PhD candidate, Tom Logan, has won the 2019 American Association of Geographers (AAG) J. X. Kasperson Student Paper Award from the Hazards, Risk, and Disasters section of AAG.
Seth Guikema and Thomas Chen win U.S. Public Health Service Engineering literary award
U-M IOE’s Seth Guikema and Thomas Chen have won the 2019 Robert C Williams Engineering Literary Award from the U.S. Public Health Service.
U-M engineering student team win second prize in INFORMS video contest
A group of U-M Industrial and Operations Engineering (IOE) PhD students have won second place in a video contest to promote operations research, management science and analytics.
Ruiwei Jiang receives National Science Foundation Career Award
Ruiwei Jiang, U-M IOE assistant professor, receives a National Science Foundation (NSF) Career Award for his work in operations research.
Three professors inducted into NAE
The new inductees join 33 other University of Michigan members.
Valerie Washington selected as a 2018 Bill Anderson Fund fellow
U-M IOE PhD student, Valerie Washington, has been selected as a 2018 Bill Anderson Fund fellow and will receive funding to attend annual workshops and engage with communities affected by natural disasters.
Mark Van Oyen elected President of the INFORMS Health Applications Society
U-M IOE Professor Mark Van Oyen has been elected 2019 Vice President and 2020 President of the INFORMS Health Applications Society.
Eunshin Byon elected 2019 Chair-Elect of the INFORMS Quality, Statistics and Reliability section
U-M IOE Associate Professor Eunshin Byon has been elected 2019 Chair-Elect of the INFORMS Quality, Statistics and Reliability section, an interdisciplinary group with members from over 50 countries.
Using decision thresholds to improve medical diagnosis
U-M IOE PhD student, Gian-Gabriel Garcia receives student prize from the Society of Medical Decision Making.
Brian Denton and Lauren Steimle awarded third place in SPRINT Data Challenge
U-M IOE professor, Brian Denton, and PhD student Lauren Steimle are part of the team that claimed third prize in the New England Journal of Medicine’s SPRINT Data Challenge.
U-M team’s power grid work earn kudos at national conference
Society for Risk Analysis recognizes Michigan researchers for work predicting storm damage.