U-M IOE Professor Nadine Sarter elected to the National Academies Board of Human-Systems Integration

BOHSI provides new perspectives on theoretical and methodological issues concerning the relationship of individuals and organizations to technology and the environment; identifies critical issues in the design, test, evaluation, and use of new human-centered technologies; and advises sponsors on the research needed to expand the scientific and technical bases for designing technology to support the…

portrait of Nadine Sarter

Nadine Sarter, University of Michigan Industrial and Operations Engineering (U-M IOE) Richard W. Pew Collegiate Professor and Director for the Center of Ergonomics has been elected as a Member to the Board of Human-Systems Integration (BOHSI) which is a part of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

According to the website, BOHSI provides new perspectives on theoretical and methodological issues concerning the relationship of individuals and organizations to technology and the environment; identifies critical issues in the design, test, evaluation, and use of new human-centered technologies; and advises sponsors on the research needed to expand the scientific and technical bases for designing technology to support the needs of its users.

Sarter’s research interests include human-automation/robot interaction, the design of tactile and multimodal interfaces, human error/error management, attention/interruption management, and the design of decision support systems.

BOHSI is composed of 12 board members and a chair. To view a full list of BOSHI issued reports visit this link. BOSHI sponsors include the American Psychological Association (APA), the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory.