Tag: Eunshin Byon
More efficient wind turbine reliability simulation
Digitally testing the reliability of large-scale structures can be computationally intensive, but a new method significantly boosts efficiency while maintaining accuracy.
Eunshin Byon has been promoted to Professor with tenure at the University of Michigan
Since joining the U-M IOE Department in 2011 she has spearheaded a strategic effort to modernize the data analytics curriculum in order to prepare students for the contemporary workforce and advanced studies.
IOE Faculty Launch New Data Analytics Workshop
Inspired by the growing need for data analytics expertise, the Industrial and Operations Engineering (IOE) Department recently launched a course aimed at industry professionals.
IOE undergraduates prep for a modern workforce with expanded data analytics courses and support
U-M IOE makes curriculum changes to enhance the data analytics and computing skills of its undergraduate students, including creating a new advanced analytics course for seniors.
Turning faces into thermostats
An autonomous HVAC system could provide more comfort with less energy.
IOE faculty and students recognized at IISE Annual Conference and Expo
Three members of the U-M IOE community were recognized for their work at the recent Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering’s (IISE) Annual Conference and Expo in Orlando.
Making wind power more predictable: A Q&A with Eunshin Byon
Predictive modeling could help power companies get more consistent output from renewables.
Eunshin Byon elected 2019 Chair-Elect of the INFORMS Quality, Statistics and Reliability section
U-M IOE Associate Professor Eunshin Byon has been elected 2019 Chair-Elect of the INFORMS Quality, Statistics and Reliability section, an interdisciplinary group with members from over 50 countries.