Help our students create solutions for all
U-M Industrial and Operations Engineering students create innovative solutions for the benefit of all people. Our faculty and students are consistently creating new tools and methods that extend the frontier of what is possible in our field, impacting many of society’s most important challenges in nearly every industry. Join us in changing the world for the better.
Gift funds
Clyde W. and Nadra S. Johnson Fellowship Fund: This endowed fund supports a fellowship for an IOE master’s student studying healthcare engineering in honor of Professor Clyde Johnson’s pioneering efforts to apply industrial engineering principles in the hospital field.
Clyde W. Johnson Scholarship Fund: This endowment fund supports IOE undergraduate scholarships awarded based on outstanding performance, etc. Four to five scholarships of $10,000 each are awarded annually to recipients who are citizens of the United States.
Industrial and Operations Engineering Endowed Fellowship Fund: This endowed fund provides fellowship funding for PhD students enrolled in the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering.
Industrial and Operations Engineering Endowed Scholarship Fund: This endowed fund provides undergraduate scholarships in IOE that helps us compete for the brightest minds and commit to the education of our future leaders.
Industrial and Operations Engineering Impact Fund: A special gift fund supporting a variety of purposes related to our department, including experiential learning opportunities for students to work in faculty labs, internships, student organizations and travel support, and departmental events.
IOE Fellowship Fund: This expendable fund provides needed fellowship funding for PhD students enrolled in the department of Industrial and Operations Engineering.
W. Monroe Keyserling Fellowship Fund: This endowment fund supports a full doctoral fellowship student in the Department of Industrial & Operations Engineering. Preference is given to students from North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
Walton M. Hancock Fellowship Fund: This endowment fund provides needed support for graduate students to explore the variety of outstanding research opportunities in the Industrial and Operations Engineering Department.
Other ways to give
Give by mail
Complete a bank check payable to “University of Michigan.” On the memo line write the fund name or shortcode.
Mail the check to:
University of Michigan
College of Engineering
1221 Beal Ave. Suite G264
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
The University of Michigan has 501(c)(3) non-profit tax exempt status.
Federal tax ID number: 38-6006309.
Give by phone
Connect with the Engineering Gifts and Records Team at 734-647-7042 or the University Gift Administration and Help Line at 888-518-7888.
Contact the IOE Major Gifts Associate
Contact IOE at [email protected]