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What is Industrial and Operations Engineering? Watch our video to find out how you could use a degree in IOE.

We believe in being a solution

Since its inception in 1956, the University of Michigan Industrial and Operations Engineering (U-M IOE) Department has advanced scientific and mathematical methods to help solve local and global challenges, expanding its research and teaching focus from the manufacturing industry into all sectors of the economy.

North campus tour

The Dude, part of the ENIAC, a giant solvable Rubik’s cube and a piece of the moon—these are just a few stops along this college tour of north campus, which is home to Michigan Engineering.

Sign-up for an in-person tour of Michigan Engineering.

The University of Michigan campus tour

Whether you’re new to the University or looking for a nostalgic trip down memory lane, a campus tour is the perfect way to check out some classic U-M locations and see what’s new. Join us, as we take an official tour on this episode of Summer At Michigan.

Interested in an in-person visit? Prospective undergraduate students can use this link to sign-up for a U-M tour!

